Metropolitan Hospital has one of the best endocrinology clinics. Comprising of highly skilled medical and nursing staff and state-of-the art equipment, this model unit encounters any endocrine-related problem in adults and is open daily to patients.
The Metropolitan Hospital medical and nursing staff, which have been fully qualified and trained in Greece and abroad, offer top-quality services and comprehensive information and support to patients at any stage of their disorder.
The Clinic offers a full range of diagnostic services and lab tests and adopts the most appropriate and effective treatment based on the patient’s clinical condition.
The Endocrinology Clinic addresses:
- Thyroid gland disorders (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, goiter, thyroiditis, thyroid cancer) with immediate examination/programming and administration of radioactive iodine, where necessary
- Disorders of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (dysfunction and pituitary adenomas)
- Disorders of the parathyroid glands and calcium metabolism (hyper and hypoparathyroidism, parathyroid adenomas, hypercalcemia)
- Disorders of the adrenal glands (dysfunctions and adrenal gland tumors)
- Gynecological Endocrinology / Women’s Health (fertility check and other dysfunctions)
- Other problems associated with endocrine-related disorders (menstrual disorders, etc.)
- Endocrine hypertension
- Metabolic disorders (diabetes, lipids, endocrine-related osteoporosis, etc.)